Sunday, February 28, 2010

New stuff

So I realize that it has been a while and nobody really reads this anyway, but here goes. Today is Feb 28, Rory and I bought some hamsters about three weeks ago. Izzy and Pepper, Izzy is mine and Pepper is Rory's. They are pretty fun, and definately cute.

In April we are going to Disneyland and the beach we are very excited about it, we are driving there and back but that shouldn't be a problem. We are going with his family, it will be fun. We are going a day earlier than everybody else so we can have some alone vacation time. I am looking forward to it. We are going to spend the day on the beach and in our awesome hotel room. It will be fun.

As for regular everyday stuff I still work at Cacique and Rory still works at Danville. Not much new there. I got a taillight for my car so hopefully I will be driving it shortly.


  1. I actually read it every time it's updated. I love knowing how you guys are doing even though we live far away!!

    Love ya,

  2. We all read when you update it, Felicia but you've only posted once. Did you read any of mine? huh? ;) I'm glad to hear everything is going well for you and one of your hampsters but as for Izzy...or was it Pepper? It was great to see you guys at the the reunion and it was great to go paintballing with the both of you.
    Love you.
    Mary and Brody
